ChurchBuilder is designed to make things quicker and easier for you in your key role of administration. The features you will use most are:-
- store all contacts related to your church - members, enquirers, site maintenance, local council details etc.
- link families and add custom fields to profile pages
- easily add in new contacts and remove old ones
- control access to contact details
- print off an automatically generated church directory.
- create and update groups - study groups, congregational groups, site maintenance, wedding enquirers, youth groups etc.
- send group emails
- run reports
- track membership.
- create rotas for any number of activities
- automatic clash notifications to prevent double booking
- automatic email/text reminders for duties and online swaps
- option to print hard copies
- duty updates sent to your mobile app, in addition to automatic reminders.
Calendar and Resource Booking
- create calendar layers and set permissions to determine who can see the information e.g. public, members, staff
- resource booking calendar for private and commercial bookings
- clash notifications for any double booking attempts
- link resources to church activities to ensure priority on bookings.
Service Planning
- plan services online
- store song words, sheet music and liturgy
- automatically generate service sheets
- export to video projector packages or PowerPoint etc.
Other useful features:-
mailing lists, report manager, meeting planning, prayer diary, event planning.
it is so easy to use, information is always at the end of your fingertips, it is clear and concise and even those who have minimal internet knowledge would be able to find what they are looking for........It ties into a perfect knot, all the loose ends associated with running a very busy church.
Jane Hibberd, Church Administrator.